CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense) publishes an updated study on Digital Platform Markets
*This is an AI-powered machine translation of the original text in Portuguese
The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) has released an update to its study on "Digital Platform Markets" to present its expanded and revised jurisprudence in merger control and anticompetitive conduct cases across various sectors related to the use of digital platforms, based on the previous 2021 version.
This study is part of CADE's series of digital publications known as "Cadernos do CADE," which has been produced since 2014 with the aim of systematically organizing and disseminating CADE's jurisprudence related to a specific sector, taking into consideration its economic and competitive context.
The revision includes an expansion of CADE's analysis on topics that were already covered in the previous version of the study, such as markets related to the online retail, video-on-demand, online financial investment, and price comparison tools sectors. Notably, the online retail sector has been given special attention, with CADE providing insights into the definition of relevant markets for niche marketplaces, including agricultural products, pet products, online retail of beverages, and online retail of medicines, cosmetics, and personal hygiene products.
Furthermore, CADE has enriched the study with jurisprudence from sectors that had not been previously considered. These include the road freight brokerage through software, digital platforms aggregating gyms, health care apps, digital game distribution platforms, car-sharing platforms, and supermarket product delivery platforms. Additionally, four new anticompetitive conduct investigation processes have been highlighted.
The publication of this new version of the study within a two-year timeframe reflects the dynamism of constantly expanding and innovating digital platform markets. In comparison, other markets studied by CADE typically undergo revisions every four years on average. In this regard, the authority significantly contributes to keeping its jurisprudence systematically updated in line with the development of digital markets.